Automated calculation of Feynman Diagrams on the Lattice

Project Summary: FEDILA is a pioneering software solution designed to revolutionize analytic computations of the fundamental forces in the universe. Its design focuses on optimizing computations in the continuum but also in a discreted version of the theory on a spacetime lattice. FEDILA provides a flexible Mathematica package capable of handling a diverse spectrum of renormalization schemes, including a continumm Gauge Invariant Renormalization Scheme, as well as of extracting information from Supersymmetric Theories. This adaptability underlines the project's readiness to calculate Feynman diagrams across various renormalization schemes, for different theories, and for a variety of regularizations, such as dimensional and lattice. The primary goal of FEDILA is the utilization of Graph Theory principles. This intelligently designed methodology offers exceptional efficiency in perturbative computations, simplifying the time-consuming processes of calculations. The development of this software package will enrich our existing set of programs to encompass supersymmetric fields and incorporate features of improved lattice actions, as well as computations of Feynman diagrams beyond one-loop order. Written in the symbolic language Mathematica, the impact of FEDILA extends beyond research methodologies. The automation not only accelerates research processes but also enables professionals to explore different theories in-depth, such as Quantum Chromodynamics, Quantum Electrodynamics, and their supersymmetric versions. Through the automation of complex computations of Quantum Field Theories, FEDILA promotes richer educational experiences, providing researchers with a deeper understanding of the fundamental principles of the interaction of the subatomic particles and the properties of composite ones such as baryons, mesons and other supersymmetic theoretical particles.


Proposal Number CONCEPT/0823/0052
Proposal Acronym FEDILA
Funding Research and Innovation Foundation, Cyprus

Paper: Gauge-invariant renormalization of four-quark operators

We study the renormalization of four-quark operators in one-loop perturbation theory. We employ a coordinate-space gauge-invariant renormalization scheme (GIRS), which can be advantageous compared to other schemes, especially in nonperturbative lattice investigations. From our perturbative calculations, we extract the conversion factors between GIRS and the modified minimal subtraction scheme (MS) at the next-to-leading order. As a by-product, we also obtain the relevant anomalous dimensions in the GIRS scheme. A formidable issue in the study of the four-quark operators is that operators with different Dirac matrices mix among themselves upon renormalization. We focus on both parity-conserving and parity-violating four-quark operators, which change flavor numbers by two units (ΔF = 2). The extraction of the conversion factors entails the calculation of two-point Green’s functions involving products of two four-quark operators, as well as three-point Green’s functions with one four-quark and two bilinear operators. The significance of our results lies in their potential to refine our understanding of QCD phenomena, offering insights into the precision of Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix elements and shedding light on the nonperturbative treatment of complex mixing patterns associated with four-quark operators.


Paper: Supersymmetric QCD on the lattice: Fine-tuning and counterterms for the quartic couplings

In this work we calculate the renormalization of counterterms which arise in the lattice action of supersymmetric QCD (SQCD). In particular, the fine-tunings for quartic couplings are studied in detail through both continuum and lattice perturbation theory at one-loop level. For the lattice version of SQCD we make use of the Wilson gauge action for gluon fields and the Wilson fermion action for fermion fields (quarks, gluinos); for squark fields we use naïve discretization. On the lattice, different components of squark fields mix among themselves and a total of ten quartic terms arise at the quantum level. Consequently, the renormalization conditions must take into account these effects in order to appropriately fine-tune all quartic couplings. All our results for Green’s functions and renormalization factors exhibit an explicit analytic dependence on the number of colors, , the number of flavors, , and the gauge parameter, , which are left unspecified. Results for the specific case are also presented, where the symmetries allow only five linearly independent quartic terms. For the calculation of the Green’s functions, we consider both one-particle reducible and one-particle irreducible Feynman diagrams. Knowledge of these renormalization factors is necessary in order to relate numerical results, coming from nonperturbative studies, to “physical” observables.


Code: Automating Feynman diagrams in Quantum Field Theories

This GitHub repository contains Mathematica command files (.m files) necessary for automating the computation of Feynman diagrams in Quantum Field Theories.



Talks: Contributions to LATTICE2024

Conference: 41st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory
Date: 28 July - 3 August 2024
Location: Liverpool, UK
We presented our work at LATTICE2024. The results of these works are generated within the FEDILA software (project:CONCEPT/0823/0052), which is implemented under the “THALIA2021-2027” programme, co-funded by the European Union through RIF. Explore our contributions through the official proceedings: